
Special Issues

  1. 2024. Griffiths, C., & Mohebbi, H. (Eds) (2024). Special issue in honour of Rebecca Oxford, Language Teaching Research Quarterly, 41.
  2. 2023. Griffiths, C., & Mohebbi, H. (Eds) (2023). Special issue in honour of Jack Richards, Language Teaching Research Quarterly, 33 
  3. 2014. Oxford, R. & Griffiths, C. (Eds) (2014). Language learning strategy research in the twenty-first century: Insights and innovations. System, 43, 1-120.


  1. Griffiths, C. (2024). Humanizing the teacher. Hltmag, 26(2), online.
  2. Griffiths, C. (2024). Editorial: In honour of Rebecca L. Oxford's contributions to language learning strategies, language teaching, and peacebuilding. Language Teaching Research Quarterly, 41, 1-3.
  3. Abuzaid, M., & Griffiths, C. (2024). Language learning strategies, proficiency and gender: The case of Palestinian university students. Language Teaching Research Quarterly, 41, 52-66.
  4. Soruç, A. & Griffiths, C. (2023). The role of "correctness" in the age of ELF: Implications for teaching practice. Asian Englishes.  https//
  5. Griffiths, C. (2023). Once were enemies: The importance of interpersonal, intercultural, international relationships in the search for peace. The Canadian Journal of Peace and Conflict Studies, 55(1), 71-88.
  6. Griffiths, C. (2023). What about the teacher? Language Teaching, 56(2),210-222.
  7. Griffiths, C. (2023). Editorial in Honour of Jack C. Richard's Six-decade Contribution to Language Teaching (Editorial). Language Teaching Research Quarterly, 33, 1-3.
  8. Griffiths, C. (2022). What have we learnt from the COVID experience? Second Language Teacher Education, 1(2), 115-135.
  9. Dikilitaş K., & Griffiths, C. (2022). Developing teacher and learner autonomy. Journal of language Teaching & Learning, 12(2), 21-35. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-50739-2
  10. Griffiths, C. (April, 2022). Teacher burnout: The elephant in the room.
  11. Griffiths, C. & Soruç A. (2021). Individual differences in language learning and teaching: A complex/dynamic/socio-ecological/ holistic view. English Teaching and Learning, 45, 339-353.
  12. Soruç, A., & Griffiths, C. (2021). Inspiring Pre-service English language teachers to become ELF-aware. RELC Journal (advance online).
  13. Griffiths, C. (2020). Language learning strategies: is the baby still in the bathwater? Applied Linguistics, 41/4, 607-611.
  14. Griffiths, C., & Soruç, A. (2019). Contextual Differences regarding Students' Perceptions of English as a Lingua Franca according to Subject Major and Nationality. Journal of Language Teaching and Learning. 9/1, 53-69. 
  15. Griffiths, C. & Tum, G. (2019). Factors influencing the learning of Turkish. SEAD Journal. Bodrum: Limitless Education and Research Association
  16. Soruç, A. & Griffiths, C. (2018). An Examination of Psycholinguistic Variables among Learners of Turkish. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 14/3, 294-307
  17. Soruç, A. & Griffiths, C. (2018). English as a medium of instruction: students' strategies. ELTJ, 72/1, 38-48. DOI:
  18. Tütüniş, B. & Griffiths, C. (2018). The relationship of metacognitive awareness of reading strategies to achievement. Teacher Training and Education SIG Newsletter, Spring 2018, 4-5.
  19. Yıldız, M., Soruç, A. & Griffiths, C. (2017). Challenges and needs of students in the EMI (English as a medium of instruction) Classroom. Konin Language Studies, 5/4, 387-402.
  20. Çetin, Y., Bahar, M. & Griffiths, C. (2017). International students' views on local culture: Turkish view. Journal of International Students, 7/3, 467-485. 
  21. Soruç, A., Griffiths, C. Okur, A. (2017). Characteristics of Learners of Turkish: Motivation, Investment, Beliefs, Autonomy and Strategies. The Journal of Language Teaching and Learning, 7/2, 166-176. 
  22. Griffiths, C. (2016). Strategies for developing English language writing skills – overall and individual perspectives. Asian EFL, 18/3, 85-103. 
  23. Griffiths, C. & Incecay, G. (2016). Styles and Style-Stretching: How are They Related to Successful Learning? Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 45/3, 599-613. DOI: 10.1007/s10936-015-9366-2. 
  24. Çetin, Y., Griffiths, C., Özel, Z. & Kinay, H. (2016). Affective Overload: The Effect of Emotive Visual Stimuli on Target Vocabulary Retrieval. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research. 45/2, 275-285. ISSN: 0090-6905 (Print) 1573-6555 (Online). DOI 10.1007/s10936-014-9344-0. 
  25. Sonmez, G. & Griffiths, C. (2015). Correcting grammatical errors in university-level foreign language students' written work. Konin Language Studies, 3/1, 57-74
  26. Griffiths, C. & Cansiz, G. (2015). Language learning strategies: an holistic view. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 5/3, 475-495. DOI:10.14746/ssllt.2015.5.3.7)
  27. Griffiths, C. (2015). What have we learnt from good language learners? ELTJ, 69/4, 425-433. DOI:10.1093/elt/ccv040. 
  28. Griffiths, C. (2015). Language learning strategy instruction. Journal of Applied Linguistics, (GALA) 29, 36-49. ISSN: 2408-025X
  29. Cohen, A. & Griffiths, C. (2015). Revisiting Language Learning Strategy Research 40 years later. TESOL Quarterly, 49/2, 414-429. ISSN: 1545-7249. DOI: 10.1002/tesolq.225. 
  30. Soruç, A. & Griffiths, C. (2015). Identity and the spoken grammar dilemma. System, 50, 32-42.  DOI:10.1016/j.system.2015.03.007
  31. Musa, S., Ziatdinov, R., Sozcu, O. & Griffiths, C. (2015). Developing educational computer animation based on human personality types. European Journal of Contemporary Education, 11/1, 52-71. 
  32. Griffiths, C. & Tang, Y. (2015). Language learning strategies and successful language learning. Foreign Language Teaching & Research in Basic Education: 基础教育外语教学研究, 168, 47-51. ISSN 1009-6027 and CN22-1387/G4
  33. Griffiths, C. & Oxford, R. (2014). Twenty-first century landscape of language learning strategies. System, 43, 1-10. DOI: 10/1016/j.system.2013.12.009. 
  34. Griffiths, C., Oxford, R., Kawai, Y., Kawai, C., Park, Y., Ma, X., Meng, Y. & Yang, N. (2014). Focus on context: Narratives from East Asia. System, 43, 50-63. DOI: 10.1016/j.system.2013.12.013. 
  35. Oxford, R., Griffiths, C., Longhini. A., Cohen, A., Macaro, E., Harris, V. (2014). Experts' personal metaphors and similies about language learning strategies. System, 43, 11-29. 
  36. Sari, I., Griffiths, C. & Ülgü, S. (2014). Approaches and methods in ELT: Learner perspectives. Journal of Teaching and Education, 3/1, 175-185. (ISSN: 1944-6934)
  37. Ülgü, S., Griffiths, C. & Sari, I. (2013). Error correction in language teaching: The teachers' perspective. International Journal of Arts and Sciences, 6/3, 229-241
  38. Griffiths, C. (2012). Focus on the teacher. ELTJ, 66/4, 468-476. DOI:
  39. Zhou, C. & Griffiths, C. (2011). Intercultural communicative competence. English Language and Literature Studies, 1/2, 113-122. 
  40. Griffiths, C. (2011). The traditional/communicative dichotomy, ELTJ, 65/3, 300-308.
  41. Griffiths, C., Raman, T. & Mannes, M. (2011). Have I offended you? Appropriate nonverbal communication in the international classroom, Journal of International Education and Business, 3, 7-29.
  42. Griffiths, C. (2010). Strategies of Successful Language Learners, Journal of English Language Studies, 1/3, 1-18
  43. Griffiths, C. (2008). Learning successfully in a target language environment, TESOLANZ Journal, 16, 34-43
  44. Griffiths, C. (2007). Language learning strategies: students' and teachers' perceptions, English Language Teaching Journal,61, 91-99. 
  45. Griffiths, C. (2006). Strategies for successful learning in an English-speaking environment, Journal of Asia TEFL, 3/2, 141-163. 
  46. Griffiths, C. (2006). How good language learners learn to speak, ELTAI (English Language Teaching Association of India) Journal, 44/1, 3-13.
  47. Griffiths, C. (2006). Strategy development and progress in language learning, Prospect 21/3, 58-76. 
  48. Griffiths, C. (2006). Reflections of a 'mature' language learner, ELTA Newsletter (Germany), 17/4, 13-14. (Reprinted from TESOLANZ Newsletter 15/2,and IATEFL articles bank)
  49. Griffiths, C. (2003). Patterns of language learning strategy use, System, 31, 367-383. 
  50. Griffiths, C. & Parr, J. (2001). Language learning strategies: Theory and perception, ELT Journal, 55, 247-254. 
  51. Griffiths, C. & Parr, J. (2001). Strategies for success: how language learning strategies relate to proficiency in language learning, Many Voices, 17, 27-31
  52. Griffiths, C. & Parr, J. (2000). Language learning strategies, nationality, independence and proficiency, Independence, 28, 7-10
  53. Griffiths, C. (1997). Some guidelines for training peer and adult volunteer tutors of NESB students, Many Voices, 10, 14-15
  54. Griffiths, C. (1996). Meeting the needs of speakers of other languages within the New Zealand school system, School Programmes for NESB Students, Christchurch Teachers' College, 85-86. (Re-printed with permission from the article in Many Voices, 1994)
  55. Griffiths, C. (1995). Evaluating materials for teaching English to adult speakers of other languages, English Teaching Forum, 33/3, 50-51
  56. Griffiths, C. (1995). Teaching speakers of other languages to read in English, Reading Forum, 33/3, 12-15
  57. Griffiths, C. (1994). Meeting the needs of speakers of other languages within the school system, Many Voices, 7, 6-10
  58. Griffiths, C. (1994). Teaching English to speakers of other languages, English in Aotearoa, August, 56-64  
