
  1. Griffiths, C. (2023). The practice of EMI around the world: An overview. In C. Griffiths, (Ed.). The practice of English as a medium of instruction (EMI) around the world (pp.7-12). Springer.
  2. Sano, A., Zheng, Y., & Griffiths, C. (2023). EMI in East Asia. In C. Griffiths, (Ed.). The practice of English as a medium of instruction (EMI) around the world (pp.171-189).
  3. Dikilitaş, K., & Griffiths, C. (2023). EMI in the Nordic and Baltic Countries. In C. Griffiths, (Ed.). The practice of English as a medium of instruction (EMI) around the world (pp.211-226). Springer
  4. Griffiths, C., & Tütüniş, B. (2023). Individual differences: Intelligence, style, strategies, autonomy and lifelong learning. In Tütüniş, B. & Sağlam, M. (Eds.) Theory and practice of teaching English to young learners 1-11 (155-175). Eğiten Kitap.
  5. Kirkgöz, Y., & Griffiths, C. (2023). ESP programmes: Educating teachers to address learner needs. In Z. Tajeddin, & C. Griffiths, Language education programs (pp.143-156). Springer.
  6. Griffiths, C. (2022). Learning styles and strategies. İn S. Li, P. Hiver & M. Papi (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and İndividual Differences (pp.82-94), Routledge.
  7. Griffiths, C., & Sönmez, G. (2020). Burnout and good language teachers. In C. Griffiths, & Z. Tajeddin (Eds.), Lessons from good language teachers (pp. 80–94). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
  8. Chamot, A., Harris, V., Nyikos, M., Griffiths, C., Gunning, P., Rubin, J. & Tutuniș, B. (2019). Preparing Teachers for LLSI and Involving Them in Research. In A. Chamot & V. Harris (Eds), Learning Strategy Instruction in the Language Classroom: Issues and Implementation. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters
  9. Griffiths, C. (2019). Strategy Instruction. In G. Barkhuizen (Ed.) Qualitative Research Topics in Language Teacher Education (pp.210-215). New York: Routledge.
  10. Griffiths, C. (2019). Epilogue. In A. Hajar, International Students' Challenges, Strategies and Future Vision (197-200). Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters
  11. Griffiths, C. (2018) How individual differences relate to successful strategy use: self-regulated language learners round the world. In R. Oxford & C. Amerstorfer (Eds) Situated Strategy Use: Language Learning Strategies and Individual Learner Characteristics (pp.55-73). London: Bloomsbury.
  12. Soruç A., Dinler A. & Griffiths C. (2018). Listening Comprehension Strategies of EMI Students in Turkey. In: Kırkgöz Y. & Dikilitaş K. (Eds) Key Issues in English for Specific Purposes in Higher Education (265-287). English Language Education, vol 11. Cham: Springer.
  13. Griffiths, C. & Soruç, A. (2018). Learning language as Adults. In J. Richards & A. Burns (Eds), The Cambridge Guide to Second Language Learning (pp.27-34).Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
  14. Griffiths, C. & Soruç, A. (2017). 'It doesn't reflect my identity': learner reactions to 'natural' English. In T. Pattison (Ed.), IATEFL 2016 Birmingham Conference Selections (pp.148-150). Faversham: IATEFL
  15. Griffiths, C. & Inceçay, G. (2016). New Directions in Language Learning Strategy Research: Engaging with the Complexity of Strategy Use. In Gkonou, C., Tatzl, D. & and Mercer, S. (Eds), New Directions in Language Learning Psychology (pp.25-38). Berlin: Springer.
  16. Griffiths, C. (2014). Both sides now: Reflections on Korea. In R. Oxford (Ed.), Understanding Peace Cultures (pp.323-334). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing
  17. Musa, S; Ziatdinov, R; Griffiths, C. (2013). Introduction to computer animation and its possible educational applications. In M. Gallová, J. Gunčaga, Z. Chanasová, M.M. Chovancová (Eds.), New Challenges in Education. Retrospection of history of education to the future in the interdisciplinary dialogue among didactics of various school subjects (1st ed., pp. 177-205). Ružomberok, Slovakia: VERBUM – vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku. Available online at:
  18. Griffiths, C. (2012). Learning Styles: Traversing the Quagmire. In S. Mercer, S. Ryan & M. Williams (Eds), Language Learning Psychology: Research, Theory & Pedagogy (pp.151-168). London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan
  19. Zhou, C. & Griffiths, C. (2012). Quantitative and qualitative perspectives on individual differences in error correction preferences. In M. Pawlak (Ed.), New perspectives on Individual Differences in Language Learning and Teaching (pp.305-317). Berlin: Springer
  20. Griffiths, C. (2010). Strategies for Asian Students Learning in a Target Language Environment: Patterns of Success. In F. Anderson, Y. Ma and N. Tarling (Eds.), The English Language and the Asian Student (pp.206-253). Shandong, China: Shandong University Press
  21. Zhou, C & Griffiths, C. (2009). Individual differences in error correction preferences. In M. Pawlak (Ed.). New perspectives on individual differences in language learning and teaching (pp.305-318). Poznań – Kalisz: Adam Mickiewicz University Press.
  22. Griffiths, C. (2008). Age and good language learners. In C. Griffiths (Ed.), Lessons from Good Language Learners (pp.35-48). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  23. Griffiths, C. (2008). Strategies and good language learners. In C. Griffiths (Ed.), Lessons from Good Language Learners (pp.83-98). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  24. Griffiths, C. (2008). Teaching/learning method and good language learners. In C. Griffiths (Ed.), Lessons from Good Language Learners (pp.255-265). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  25. Roberts, M. & Griffiths, C. (2008). Error correction and good language learners. In C. Griffiths (Ed.), Lessons from Good Language Learners (pp.282-293). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  26. Griffiths, C. (2008). Strategies for success in international examinations. In A. Burns & J. Burton (Eds.), Language teacher research in Australia and New Zealand (pp. 85-100). Alexandria: TESOL.
  27. Griffiths, C. & Zhou, C. (2008). Researching error correction in China: Procedure, product and pitfalls. In M. Pawlak (Ed.) Investigating English Language Learning and Teaching (pp.127-137). Poznań–Kalisz: Adam Mickiewicz University Press.
  28. Takeuchi, O., Griffiths, C. & Coyle, D. (2007). Applying strategies to contexts: the role of individual and situational differences. In A. Cohen & E. Macaro (Eds) Language Learner Strategies (pp.69-92). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  29. Griffiths, C. (1998). The Grammar Dilemma. In J. Richards (Ed.) Teaching in Action (pp.374-377). Washington: TESOL,
  30. Griffiths, C. (1997). Time Lines. In M. Lewis (Ed.) New Ways in Teaching Adults (pp.102-104). Washington: TESOL
  31. Griffiths, C. (1994). Twenty Questions. In P. Nation (Ed.) New Ways in Teaching Vocabulary (p.86). Washington: TESOL