Plenaries, Keynotes, Webinars and Symposia
- Griffiths, C. (May, 2024). The practice of English as a medium of instruction
around the world. Keynote delivered at Student Kongres, Girne American University, Turkish Republic of North Cyprus. - Griffiths, C. (October, 2023). Strategies of successful language learners. Keynote delivered at FLEL conference, Xi'an, China.
- Griffiths, C. (July, 2022). Using literature as a strategy for teaching/learning language. Webinar presented for Amity University, İndia.
- Grifffiths, C. (Jan. 2022). Surviving burnout. Webinar presented for IATEFL, UK.
- Griffiths, C. (August 2021). Strategies of successful language learners. Webinar presented for Language Flagship, Hawaii.
- Griffiths, C. (May, 2021). Lessons from the deep end. Webinar on coping strategies adopted by students and teachers during the COVID pandemic. Keynote delivered for Hassan Kalyoncu University, Turkey.
- Griffiths, C. (June, 2019). Mixed method and the joys of serendipity. Keynote address at International Doctoral Summer School, University of Malta
- Griffiths, C. (June, 2019). The good language learner as an individual. Keynote address at TESL Toronto annual conference, Toronto, Canada
- Griffiths, C. (April 2019). Learning Turkish: an English-speaker's perspective. Presented at the opening session of the 3rd International Symposium of Limitless Education and Research, Bodrum, Turkey
- Griffiths, C. Soruç, A. Alhassan, A. & Muir, S. (April, 2018). Forum on EMI (English as a medium of instruction). Presented at IATEFL, Brighton
- Griffiths, C. (February, 2018). Developing learner autonomy through learning strategies. Plenary delivered at Annual ELT and Applied Linguistics Conference, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal.
- Griffiths, C., Parvin, S., Venkatesh, S., Zhou, R., Dikilitaş, K., Horzum, B. & Soruç, A. (January 2018). Flipped, blended and online: a 21st century technological methodological cocktail. Plenary talk at 8th Biennial CRIE conference, AIS, Auckland, New Zealand
- Griffiths, C. (June, 2017). Strategy Training in Foreign Language Teaching: Keys to success. Plenary talk at Shenzhen Second Language School, Shenzhen, China
- Griffiths, C. (June, 2017). Strategy Training in Foreign Language Teaching: Keys to success. Plenary talk at Shenzhen Futian Middle School, Shenzhen, China
- Griffiths, C. (June, 2017). Strategy Training in Foreign Language Teaching: Keys to success. Plenary talk at Shenzhen Bao'an Fenghuang School (primary), Shenzhen, China
- Griffiths, C. (March, 2017). The language learning strategy puzzle: what is their role in successful language learning? Key note delivered at ACK 3rd annual conference, Kuwait.
- Griffiths, C. (October 2015). Language learning strategies as a complex dynamic phenomenon. Plenary delivered at the Situating Strategy Use conference, Klagenfurt, Austria
- Griffiths, C. (October, 2014). Language learning strategy instruction: The Tornado Effect. Plenary delivered at Greek Applied Linguistics Association Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece
- Griffiths, C. (June, 2014). Language learning strategies: Controversies and challenges. Plenary delivered at conference on Language learning strategies: Challenges for the future, Adam Mickiewicz University, Konin, Poland
- Griffiths, C. (April, 2014). Using literature to teach language: A genre-based approach. Plenary at GC University, Lahore, Pakistan
- Griffiths, C. (March, 2014). Using narrative as a strategy to teach language. Plenary delivered at 21st Annual International Convention of TESOL Macedonia-Thrace, Northern Greece
- Griffiths, C. (May, 2013). Dynamic strategies. Plenary speech delivered at the 6th International FELT Conference "Target Language Development as a Dynamic Phenomenon", Fatih University, Istanbul, Turkey, May 18, 2013
- Griffiths, C. (November, 2011). Lessons from good Asian language learners – Hokkaido University, Tokyo and Sapporo, Japan
- Griffiths, C (December, 2010). The Good Language Learner: Keys to Success. Keynote speech at the First Conference on ELT in Islamic contexts, Tehran, Iran.
- Griffiths, C., Cohen, A., Mercer, S. & Tsai, B. (April, 2010). Good Language Learners. Symposium at the 44th IATEFL Conference, Harrogate, UK.
- Griffiths, C. (2006). How Good Language Learners Learn to Speak. Plenary at 37th ELTAI (English Language Teachers' Association of India) Conference, Chennai, India.
- Griffiths, C. (July, 2023). The place of English as a medium of instruction in a diverse world. Paper delivered at AILA, Lyon, France
- Griffiths, C. (April, 2023). The practice of English as a medium of instruction around the world. Paper delivered at ELINET Conference, Glasgow, UK.
- Griffiths, C. (November, 2022). Language learning strategies in an uncertain world. Paper delivered at Situating Strategy Use 4 conference, Victoria University, Wellington, NZ
- Griffiths, C. (November, 2020). Individual differences in language learning. Paper delivered at ALANZ Symposium, University of Otago, Dunedin.
- Griffiths, C. (November 2019). Good Language Teachers. IATEFL webinar
- Griffiths, C. (June, 2019). The good language learner as an individual. Paper delivered at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
- Griffiths, C. (April, 2019). Factors influencing the learning of Turkish. Paper delivered at the 3rd International Symposium of Limitless Education and Research, Bodrum, Turkey
- Griffiths, C. (April, 2019). Strategies for learning Turkish vs strategies for learning English: how similar or different are they? Workshop delivered at the 3rd International Symposium of Limitless Education and Research, Bodrum, Turkey
- Griffiths, C. (April, 2019). Action research for teacher autonomy: the case of academic reading. Paper delivered at BAALCUP seminar, University of Leeds
- Griffiths, C. & Soruç, A (April, 2019). Managing individual differences in the language classroom. Paper delivered at IATEFL, Liverpool (filmed)
- Griffiths, C. & Soruç, A. (January, 2019). Language learner's identity dilemma. Paper delivered at 5th annual qualitative research symposium, Bath, UK
- Griffiths, C. & Soruç, A. (November, 2018). English as a medium of instruction: issues and strategies. Talk delivered at Oxford university.
- Griffiths, C. (Nov. 2018). Identity and learner autonomy: complexity, context and change. Online webinar
- Griffiths, C. (February, 2018). Strategy training for autonomy in ELT: keys to success. Workshop conducted at Annual ELT and Applied Linguistics Conference, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal.
- Griffiths, C. & Sonmez, G. (October, 2017). Burnout and good language teachers. INGED conference, Aydin University, Istanbul, Turkey
- Dinler, A., Soruç, A. & Griffiths, C. (April, 2017). Listening comprehension strategies in the EMI environment. Paper presented at Towards Higher Education (THE) conference, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Griffiths, C. (June, 2017). Getting published. Workshop presented at conference on teacher research at Bahçeşehir University, Istanbul
- Griffiths, C. & Tütüniş, B. (April, 2017). The relationship of metacognitive awareness of reading strategies to achievement. Delivered as part of the Symposium on teaching learning strategies to English learners, with Anna Chamot, Christine Goh, Jill Robbins and Miroslaw Pawlak, at IATEFL, Glasgow.
- Griffiths, C. (March, 2017). Language learning strategy instruction: the Tornado Hypothesis. Workshop conducted at ACK 3rd annual conference, Kuwait
- Griffiths, C. (Jan, 2017). ELF in a Quandary. Paper presented at ELT seminar, AIS, Auckland, NZ.
- Griffiths, C. (July, 2016). Strategies in context: a complex juggling act. CLESOL, Waikato University, Hamilton, NZ
- Griffiths, C. (Jan, 2016). Do our international students need perfect English? CRIE conference, Auckland, NZ
- Griffiths, C. & Soruç, A. (15 April, 2016). It doesn't reflect my identity: learner reactions to "natural" English. Paper presented at IATEFL, Birmingham, UK
- Griffiths, C. & Dikilitaş, K. (18 June, 2015). Facilitating teacher research. Paper presented at IATEFL ReSIG conference, Izmir, Turkey
- Griffiths, C. (24 April, 2015). The Intake Hypothesis – I5. Paper presented at IATEFL TTEd SIG International Conference: The Journey from Input to Interaction in ELT, Gaziantep, Turkey.
- Griffiths, C. & Tutunis, B. (18 Oct, 2014). Developing strategic competence. Paper delivered at KEYS (Key methodology to successful competence based learning) conference, Bilgi University, Istanbul.
- Griffiths, C. & Incecay, G. (18 Oct, 2014). Developing grammatical competence. Paper delivered at KEYS (Key methodology to successful competence based learning) conference, Bilgi University, Istanbul.
- Griffiths, C. & Tang, Y. (Rose). (August, 2014). Strategy training in foreign language teaching. Workshop delivered at AILA World Congress, Brisbane, Australia
- Griffiths, C. & Almyidin Kyzy, J. (March, 2014). Creating lessons using narratives. Workshop delivered at 21st Annual International Convention of TESOL Macedonia-Thrace, Northern Greece
- Griffiths, C. & Incecay, G. (May, 2014). Positive approaches to learning style in the language classroom. Invited workshop at Graz University, Austria
- Griffiths, C. & Zhou, C. (Jan 2014). The role of strategies in successful teaching and learning. Paper presented at International Conference on Advanced Education and Management (ICAEM), Beijing, China, Jan 4-5, 2014
- Griffiths, C. (Sept, 2013). Using narratives to develop target language skills and linguistic knowledge. Paper presented at the International Interdisciplinary Conference "In Medias Res: Uses of Narrative in English Language Studies", Nicosia, North Cyprus, Sept 26-27, 2013
- Uglu, S. & Griffiths, C. (May, 2013). Error correction in language learning teaching: The teachers' perspective. Paper presented at the Conference of the International Journal of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University, Boston, USA, May 26-30, 2013.
- Sari, I. & Griffiths, C. (May, 2013) Approaches and Methods in ELT: Learner perspectives in EFL context. Paper presented at the Conference of the International Journal of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University, Boston, USA, May 26-30, 2013.
- Griffiths, C. & Soruç, A. (April, 2013). ELF ın the Expanding circle. Paper presented at İATEFL, Liverpool, UK
- Inceçay, G. & Griffiths, C. (October, 2012). A study of grammar errors in students' written work. First International Symposium: Foreign Language Education and its Application in Prep Classes – Marmara University, Istanbul
- Griffiths, C. (May, 2012). Using songs in the language classroom. Akdeniz Language Studies Conference, 9-12 May, Antalya, Turkey
- Griffiths, C. (March, 2012) IATEFL Glasgow (as TESOLANZ rep)
- Griffiths, C. (January, 2012). DPRK Issues. University of North Korean Studies, Seoul, South Korea
- Özgür, B. & Griffiths, C. (June, 2011). Second Language Motivation. Warwick University, UK
- Griffiths, C. (March, 2011). Using literature in the language classroom. Workshop at 32nd TESOL Greece conference, Athens, Greece
- Griffiths, C. (2010). Teaching for Success in ELT. Workshop at the 1st Conference on ELT in Islamic contexts, Tehran, Iran, December 1-3.
- Griffiths, C. (2010). Good Language Learners. 6th Conference of English Teachers Association of Israel, Jerusalem, July 13-17
- Flynn, M., Custodio, B., Griffiths, C. & Wookey, B. (2008). Professional development and worldwide professional participation: Australian & Asian contexts. 42nd annual TESOL Convention, New York, USA.
- Klimova, B., Griffiths, C., Kojima, C., McLoughlin, D., Nakata, Y. & Ushioda, E. (2008). Motivation and beyond. Symposium at the 42nd IATEFL Conference, Exeter, UK.
- Griffiths, C. (2007). Researching error correction in China: process, pitfalls and product. IATEFL Research Sig., Konin, Poland, October, 2007.
- Griffiths, C. (2006). How Good Language Learners Learn to Speak. Workshop at 37th ELTAI (English Language Teachers' Association of India) Conference, Chennai, India.
- Griffiths, C. (2006). Strategies for developing writing skills in English. Fourth Symposium on EFL Writing in China, Beijing, September, 2006
- Griffiths, C. (2005). Strategies for successful learning in an English-speaking environment: Insights from a case study. 3rd Asia TEFL Conference, Beijing, China, November, 2005.
- Griffiths, C. & Jordan, D. (2005). Strategies for Success in IELTS. CRIE Conference on Reflective Practice, Auckland, New Zealand, June 2005.
- Griffiths, C. Mannes, M. & Raman, T. (2005). Non-verbal communication in the international classroom. CRIE Conference on Reflective Practice, Auckland, New Zealand, June 2005.
- Griffiths, C. (2004). Language learning strategies: further research on students' and teachers' perceptions. 38th IATEFL Conference, Liverpool, UK, April 2004.
- Griffiths, C. (2004). Strategies for language skills development. CRIE Conference on The Internationalisation of Education: Successes, Challenges and Opportunities, Auckland, New Zealand, August 2004.
- Griffiths, C. (2004). Language learning strategies for Asian Students: Quantitative and qualitative insights. 2nd Asia TEFL Conference, Seoul, Korea, November 2004. Delivered as part of a colloquium entitled "Intercultural perspectives on language learning styles and strategies" led by Professor Rebecca Oxford (University of Maryland, USA).
- Griffiths, C. (2003). Language learning strategies – Changes over time. 16th ALANZ Symposium, Auckland, New Zealand, November 2003
- Griffiths, C. (2003). Language learning strategies for Asian students. NZASIA 15th International Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, November 2003
- Griffiths, C. (2003). Language learning strategies for Asian students. Centre for Research in International Education Symposium, Auckland, New Zealand, December 2003.
- Griffiths, C. (2002). Using reading as a strategy for teaching and learning language. Improving Learning Strategies for Literacy Conference, University of Maryland, USA, November 2002.
- Griffiths, C. (2000). What makes students successful? In-house workshop at International Language Academy, Auckland, New Zealand, February 2000
- Griffiths, C. (2000). Language learning strategies, styles and affective factors. 34th TESOL Conference, Vancouver, Canada, March 2000.
- Griffiths, C. (2000). Language learning strategies, culture and independence. Learner Independence SIG, Madrid, Spain, September 2000.
- Griffiths, C. (2000). Strategies for success in language learning. 8th CLESOL Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, September 2000.
- Griffiths, C. (1999). Language learning strategies in theory and in practice. 33rd IATEFL Conference, Edinburgh, UK, March 1999.
- Griffiths, C. (1999). Language learning strategies and age. 12th World AILA Congress, Tokyo, Japan, August 1999. Delivered as part of a colloquium led by Professor Rebecca Oxford, University of Alabama, USA.
- Griffiths, C. (1998). Language learning strategies: Empowering the student. 7th CLESOL Conference, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
- Griffiths, C. (1996). Meeting the needs of Speakers of Other Languages within the school system. 6th CLESOL Conference, Hamilton, New Zealand