Using Literature to Learn and Teach Language: The L3 Approach


Carol Griffiths

Everyone loves a story, and the accumulated body of literature represents a bottomless pit of potential authentic material. No need to write artificial material for more and more textbooks. The material is all here, just waiting to be recognised and enjoyed (and enjoyment has been established as a factor which enhances motivation and promotes learning. Although a number of books have been written on the topic of using literature to teach/learn language, literature remains under-represented as a language teaching/learning resource. This book attempts to redress this neglect by presenting a range of literary genres in a format that the author has found from experience work well in a language classroom and showing teachers how to use such stories to create motivating and enjoyable lessons which develop language skills and awareness.

KEYWORDS: folk stories, young children's literature, older children's literature, teen literature, short stories, non-fiction, poetry, drama, novellas, novels, sci-fi, fantasy

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